eko ai Company

D-EYE S.R.L. began trading on 2 March 2015 and their registration number is PD425765. D-EYE S.R.L.’s main business enterprise is Manufacture of equipment and instruments for dentistry and of medical equipment (including spare parts and accessories).D-EYE S.R.L. company information Italy - Italy.GlobalDatabase.comitaly.globaldatabase.com/company/d-eye-s-r-lБыл ли этот ответ полезен?

Founded Date: 1905-07-09
Last Funding Type: Seed
Headquarters: Singapore
Investors Number: 4
Technology: P4 Medicine
Employee Number: 14
Industry: Diagnostics and Prognostics
Estimated Revenue: $30 million
Investor Type: Company
Total Funding: €2.1M