Simplity Companies
As an international consultancy company established in 2010, we make data intelligence simpler for companies of all sizes and enable them to meet their business objectives. We help our customers and clients understand their data and empower them to act on it. Our experience and knowledge come from very complex data projects for large financial institutions. In the era of e-commerce, with customer data playing a pivotal role, we are combining this experience with advanced analytics and data science to provide customer analytics. With this expertise, we can help you solve your complex business challenges. Accurity software suite is a comprehensive, end-to-end data intelligence platform, which covers data harmonization, data quality, and ensures integrated data management across systems, built and designed in-house. Accurity supports multiple solutions across the entire data warehouse or business intelligence project life-cycles, end-to-end, from the definition of data requirements to data quality checks by data stewards. Interested in joining Simplity's expert team? We are hiring via Simplity’s independent partner-Iconity. Iconity sources and places the most talented specialists in the field of data intelligence and act as a trusted professional advisor for clients throughout the entire recruitment process.