Aedes Companies

Aedes is the national organisation promoting the interests of practically every social housing organisation in the Netherlands, on all possible fronts. Together, Aedes members manage 2.4 million dwellings, constituting 34 percent of the total housing stock. As a network organisation, knowledge centre and think tank, Aedes provides a platform for its 345 members to meet, exchange ideas and develop visions. Together with its members, Aedes works on research and product development to meet the needs of housing consumers, resulting in new products like lease-purchase, cost effective insurance and estate agency services. Aedes provides information and education on all important developments in the dynamic housing branch. Aedes co-operates with the government, political parties and special interest groups in order to get the right working conditions for social housing organisations to effectively fulfill their social function. Aedes’ EU Public affairs office in Brussels focuses on crucial European issues to safeguard and optimize the legal, fiscal and financial conditions for Dutch social housing providers. Main topics in European context are Services of General Economic Interest, social business, economic governance, state aid rules, the prevention of energy poverty, EU funding like Structural Funds and public procurement. Aedes is an active member of Housing Europe. Housing Europe promotes the interests of social housing organisations in Europe. Aedes members are modern real estate businesses and service providers, working independently at their own expense and risk. They supply a broad package of affordable housing services that meet the various desires and needs of their clients. Apart from housing, this includes a wide range of services that add to living comfortably, security, service and quality. Aedes works together with its members on living/care arrangements for the elderly and groups with special needs, such as mentally or physically disabled and asylum seekers. Aedes also supports the housing organisations in city development plans by entering into collaborative relationships with other organisations. In addition, Aedes represents employers for the 30 thousand people working in the Dutch social housing sector. As the employer's organisation for the social housing organisations, Aedes negotiates with the trade unions to agree on a collective labour agreements.

Headquarters: The Netherlands
Industry: Longevity Friendly Real Estate