HemoGAD Technologies Company

At Hemogad we are committed to improving the outcome and quality of life for Haemochromotosis sufferers through medical research and to providing useful information about Genetic Haemochromotosis (GH) and Hereditary Haemochromatosis (HH) and researching ways to improve your health outcome as a Haemochromotosis sufferer. Haemochromotosis is a genetic condition characterised by iron overload which, untreated, causes irreversible organ damage and results in chronic conditions including cirrhosis, diabetes, heart arrhythmia and arthritis. HH has also been linked to AlzheimerвАЩs (Florey Institute in Melbourne and the CSIRO), due to elevated levels of iron in the brain. Diagnosis often comes after a patient has developed one, or more, of these conditions, by which time a negative impact on quality of life has already occurred. The delay is due to clinical diagnosis requiring a full blood count confirmed by genetic screening

Founded Date: 2016-01-01
Headquarters: Corby, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
Technology: Neuromodulation
Industry: Mental Health