
Headquarters Location:


Longevity Sector:




Founding Date:




Number of employees:


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SWOT Analysis



Industry Overview

In the chart above, you can see each sector's total investments in the longevity industry. The leader among sectors is PharmTech, with more than 800 bln investments. P4 Medicine sector raised more than 400 bln investments overall, Deep Diagnostics, TeleMedicine, Wellness&Fitness move next with more 100 bln investment in each sector. GeroScience and FemTech received the least amount of investments compared with other industry sectors.


Since 2000-year investments in the Longevity industry demonstrate a slight increase with local growth in 2001-2002, 2007, and 2010 years. In comparison to the 2014 year, investments showed a 5 times increase. The following years can be described as raising interest in the industry. The peak of investment activity in Longevity was achieved in the 2021 year.


The United States is the unprecedented leader in the Longevity industry, with a recorded amount of companies connected to the industry and a total amount of investments. The United Kingdom is the second country in the number of companies working in the Longevity industry. We can highlight Germany, Japan, and France, which have a necessary amount of companies that can create competitive power in the Longevity industry.

Regarding funding types, the leader by the number of rounds is the Seed funding type. A pre-seed round with an average amount of 500k USD typically for the deep tech sector is not enough even to bring MVP to the market. Startups need at least one mln to make some dive into the industry. Also, compared with other industries, the Longevity industry is characterized by relatively large grant funding rounds.

Sector Overview

{total_inv_sector} {total_sector_type} {counties_sector_distr}

Total Amount of Investments by Funding Types


Comparison of SWOT Metrics



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