Adam R. Bronfman
The son of Edgar Bronfman Sr. As President of The Samuel Bronfman
Foundation, Adam is committed to furthering Edgar M. Bronfman's vision of inspi-
ring a vibrant and joyful Jewish future by working to build a knowledgeable, proud, and welcoming community. As a member of Hillel's International Board of Governors, Adam has visited numerous Hillels in North America.
He has been a catalyst behind the growth of Hillels internationally. He has served as an active board member at the Hillel of UC Santa Barbara and is a founder
and advisory board member of Hillel for Utah. Adam established the Saidye Rosner Bronfman Rabbinic Chair at Temple Har Shalom in Park City, Utah, and has been a driving force behind the growth of the community. As an alumnus and former trustee
of the Taft School, Adam endowed several scholarships at the institution.
He has also served in a leadership capacity at both the National Ability Center
and People's Health Clinic. Adam is the Co-Owner and Co-Founder of Rickdiculous Racing along with his son, Josh Bronfman. He is the Executive Producer of the do-
cumentary Forward 13: Waking Up the American Dream. Adam and his wife, Cindy, have four children and live in Park City, Utah. Bronfman has always believed in giving back to the community. That's why he contributes so generously to The Taft School,
the Connecticut boarding school of which heis an alumnus.