Alexander Timofeyevsky

Country: Russia
Company: Entertainment
His mother was Irina Ulanovsky from Bessarabia. In 1985 he graduated from the faculty of film studies of the all-Union Institute of cinematography (VGIK). In the late 1980s and early 1990s worked as a columnist in the newspaper "Moscow news" and the magazine "Capital". In the years 1995-1997 was a regular commentator and columnist of the newspaper "Kommersant Daily", the development of the concept of which was d-i rectly involved in the rights of the Advisor to the General Director ID "Kommer- sant". Thanks to Alexander Timofeyevsky was established the first full Department of culture "b", and set them while the standards and techniques of cultural journal- ism was in many respects decisive for the domestic critics of the late 1990s - ear- ly 2000s. In 1997, has become one of the main initiators of creation of the newspa- per "Russian Telegraph", in 2007, the inspirer of the magazine and online edition "Russian life", which was published in 2007-2013. Published since 1985. Author of critical articles and essays in the magazines "Cinema Art", "Seance", "Capital", "Snob", "Moscow Observer", "Vogue", "GQ", "Playboy", newspapers "Izvestia", "Moscow News", "Nezavisimaya Gazeta". The Internet magazine OpenSpace called him a man without whom "the cultural life of Moscow is unimaginable"
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