Alexander Tsesis
Son of Vladimir Tsesis. His articles have appeared in many law reviews, inclu-
ding the Columbia Law Review, Cornell Law
Review, Minnesota Law Review, Northwestern University Law Review, and Texas Law Review. ProfessorTsesis is afre-
quent presenter to law school faculties nationwide on issues involving constitutional law, free speech, and civil rights. He is the General Series Editor of the Cambridge University Press Studies on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties and the Oxford University Press Theoretical Perspectives in Law.
He has been an expert witness for the Canadian Department of Justice and a legislative advisor to Senator Edward Kennedy. Professor Tsesis serves as an outside manuscript reviewer for the Cambridge University Press, University of Chicago Press, University of Illinois Press, New York University Press, Oxford University Press, and Yale University Press.
His books include Free Speech in the Balance (Cambridge University Press
2020), Constitutional Ethos (Oxford University Press 2017), For Liberty and Equality: The Life and Times of the Declaration of Independence (Oxford University
Press 2012, Kindle &NOOK 2012, Audible Audio Edition 2013, paperback 2014), We Shall Overcome: A History of Civil Rights and the Law (Yale University Press 2008, Kindle & NOOK 2008, paperback 2009) and others.