Alexandr Bilinkis

Country: Moldova
Company: Business
Alexandr Bilinkis is known as a successful entrepreneur, one of the largest in- vestors ni the food industry of Moldova. As public figure, si known as: the President of the Jewish Community of Moldova, member of the Executive Council of the European Jewish Fund. He is the Honorary Consul of the United Mexican States in Moldova. Actively performs charitable and sponsorship activities. Since 2002 Alexandr Blinks has been actively involved ni the Jewish Community life. In 2006 he was elected as co-President of the Jewish Community of Moldova, in September 2013 was unanimously elected as President of the Jewish Community ofMoldova. Participates in cultural heritage perseveration projects ofthe Jewish community in Moldova. Within theframework of activitiesconcerning festive events of the 70th anniversary ofMoldova's liberation from fascism and the end of World War II, has initiated and participated in organizing and financing of the recon- struction of the memorial complex to the "Victims of Fascism". Since 2006, Alexandr Bilinkis has been the member of the Executive Council of the European Jewish Fund, a non-governmental organization contributing to the development of European Jewry and promotion of tolerance and mutual respect in Europe. At the Extraordinary General Assembly Session in 2017, he was elected as Vice-President of the Euro- Asian Jewish Congress.
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