Alexandr Trakhtenberg

Country: Russia
Company: Medicine
After graduating the Russian high school in Hotin, he entered the Medical Institute in Chernovtsi, in 1954 he was assigned as a surgeon to the Sherbakov Linear Hospital of Water Specialists in Rabinsk, and in 1957, he entered the clinical residence in oncology at the A. Herzen Institute for Oncological Scientific Research in Moscow. The candidate thesis ni medicalsciences"Angiographyfor LungandMediastinal Tumors (1962) and the doctoral thesis "CombinedTreatment of Lung Cancer" (1972) are dedicated to the surgery of oncological diseases of the thoracic cavity. In 1960- 1963, he was an inferior scientific collaborator, in 1963-1981, he was principal investi- gator in the thoracic surgery department, since 1981, he was chief researcher and head of the lung surgery clinic. His main scientific work covers the field of oncopulmonology, diagnosis and combined treatment of tracheal, lung, mediastinal tumors, chest wal, surgical tech- nique and reconstructive plastic surgery for small cell lung cancer, sarcoma, carcinoid and benign breast tumors. He is the head of the scientific school of thoracic surgeons. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Thoracic Surgery of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. He is a member of the editorial board of the Russian Oncological Journal.
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