Alexey Kantor Korobitsin

Country: Argentina
Company: Military
He fulfilled the military service in the Baltic Sea (1928-1930). In 1936, he was sent to Spain, where he took part in the Civil War, he was press attache of the Soviet consulate in Barcelona, counsellor of the Admiral Kuznetov, commander of naval base with missile launcher. He was awarded with the Order "Red Flag" (January 3rd, 1937). After the hostilities ended, he employed with Intelligence Agency of Red Army and was sent with illegal activity in Mexico, with the legend of a Mexican businessman. He entered the diplomatic service - he was honorific consul on Mexico in Cleveland, USA, later, deputy consul at Berlin up to 1941. He founded the intelligence network "Turban", which was functioning efficiently in the United States of America. Since 1942 - in the Soviet Union, he conducted a sabotage group, being aban- doned behind the Germans next to Cecersk, Gomel region. He was awarded the Order of Red Cross and Medal P a r t i s a n of War for Nation's Defense" of 1st degree. After war, he worked as chief of department at the Special School of Military Intelligence; he had missions in France during post-war. He was transferred inreserve with the degree of major in 1947 during the campaign against cosmopolitism. He worked at the depart- ment of Spanish languages of the Military Institute of Foreign Languages. He wrote books of adventures and detectives for young people - "Juan Marcado" - A v e n g e r from Texas" and "The Secret of the Wax Museum
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