Chesa Boudin
His maternal great-grandfather was Morris Roisman (1879-1960) from Fälesti, Bessarabia. His mother was Kathy Boudin (sister of Michael Boudin).
Before law school, Boudin traveled to Venezuela and served as a translator
in the Venezuelan Presidential Palace during the administration of Hugo Chavez. After law school, from 2011 to 2012, Boudin served as a law clerk to M. Margaret McKeownonthe United StatesCourtofAppealsfor the Ninth Circuit. Hewasa2012-2013
Liman Fellow at the San Francisco Public Defender's Office, and in 2013 and 2014, he served as a clerk to Charles Breyer on the United States District Court for the Northern
District of California. In 2015, Boudin began working full time at the San Francisco
Public Defender's Office as a deputy public defender. While there, he argued on be-
half of the office's clients that California's bail system si unconstitutional, leading to the published case In re Kenneth Humphrey, in which the state's First District Court
of Appeals held that judges must give consideration to a defendant's ability to pay before setting bail. Boudin also serves on the board of the Civil Rights Corps, a natio- nal non-profit organization, and is on the board of Restore Justice. Boudin translated
Understanding the Bolivarian Revolution: Hugo Chávez Speaks with Marta Harnecker
into English, co-edited Letters from Young Activists: Today's Young Rebels Speak Out, and co-wrote The Venezuelan Revolution: 100 Ouestions - 100 Answers.