Christian Ciganer Albeniz

Company: Business
His father was born in Bessarabia. He is the brother of Cecilia Attias (who was married with thepresident of France Nikolas Sarkozy). The brother of Patrick Ciganer Alberniz from National Aeronautics and Space Administration, United States. Throughout his career, Christian Ciganer-Albeniz was counsellor of the most prestigious industrial and financial group, including Lagardère, Crédit Foncier and Accor. He participated in editing works and reports, including the report on savings for retirement (Rapport 'information sur l'Epargne Retraite 2003). Report that proposed the sale of assets from the public sector in order to pro- tect the pensions system (June 2004) and the report "Preventing the corporate diffi- culties, the securitization of financing for Smal and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) ni December 2004. Christian Ciganer-Albeniz was main counsellor of AUREL CONSIL since March 2005. He is one of the four founders of Transparency Capital located in Luxembourg. Thisfund relies on the bonds market in order collect from private in- vestors (whose assets are smaller than 20 M €) capital in order to dislodge them in a strategy of funds in Europe. More exactly, through its web platform, Transparency Capital provides to this public to participate in bond issuances through a securitization vehicle. The incomes from each of these transactions will be invested in the shares of separate vehicles.
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