David Rozenholc

Country: Kyrgyzstan
Company: Law
His mother was from Bessarabia. David graduated from Rutgers School of Law and immediately started working for nonprofits that provided free legal services to residents of South Bronx in the late 60s and early 70s. Despite the Rent Stabilization Law of 1969 and the Local Law 30 of 1970, many NewYork landlords flouted therules and continued to overprice and overcharge their tenants, not to mention property de- velopers that would drive up prices of rent in order to make up their investment. None of this, of course, sat well with David Rozenholc, who went on a campaign of going after some of the city's most notorious landlords and the biggest real estate developers without batting an eyelash or showing any fear. David Rozenholc isone of NYC's most feared tenant lawyers. Over three-plus decades, Rozenhole has won millions ofdollars in settlements and gone up against some of the city's biggest developers, including the Zeckendorf brothers, Tishman Speer and Donald Trump. In 2005, he negotiated a $17 million settlement (plus an apartment for $1 a month for life) for a single holdout tenant at what became Zeckendorf's signature project at 15 Central Park West. Then in 2015, he topped that with a record $25 million fortwotenants on10th Avenue, where Tishman Speyer was assembling a site forits $3 billion office tower, the Spiral, that's now rising.
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