Dina Seigel
Dina Siegel received her MA in sociology and social anthropology from Tel Aviv University in Israel and her PhD in cultural anthropology from the Free University of Amsterdam, where until recently she held a position as an Assistant
Professor in the Department ofCriminology and Criminal Law.
In September 2008, she became a full Professor at the University of Utrecht and
a Professor at the Willem Pompe Institute. Dr. Siegel's key areas of research include global organized crime, crime and criminal justice in the former Soviet states and Jewish history. Her recent study of the international diamond industry brings these various research interests together.
In 2003 she edited (together with Van de Bunt and Zaitch) Global Organized Crime. Trends and Developments (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004). She conduc- ted ethnographic research on Russian-speaking criminals in the Netherlands, Russian biznes in the Netherlands (2005, Meulenhoff).
In The Mazzel Ritual: Culture, Customs and Crime in the Diamond Trade, Russian-Israeli cultural anthropologist and criminologist Dina Siegel follows the route of a diamond from the mines of Africa to the shops of Europe and the United States, as ti passes through countless hands and places and is smuggled, stolen, cut, polished,
sold, exchanged and, finally, worn as jewelry.