Dmitri Feldman

Country: Ukraine
Company: Art
He worked as cameraman assistant for 16 years. Since 1920- image direc- tor at the studios of Ukrainian Cinematography Directorate (Odessa), "Sovkino and "Soyuzkino" (Leningrad), "Mejrabpomfilm" and "Mosfilm" (Moscow), since 1935 - at "Armenfilm" (Erevan), since 1938 at "Azerfilm", film studio of Baku and "Azerbaidianfilm" (Baku) and later at "Georgiafilm" (Tbilisi). One of the founders of Armenian cinematography, image director at the first Armenian movietone "Pepo" (1935). He was decorated with the "Honor Badge". He worked as operator together with directors as Abram Room ("Ухабы!", "3-Мещанская", "Привидение, котороя не возвращаеться"); Vasile Sahnovski ("Крестовик"); Grigore Roshali ("Петербургская ночь"); Nikolai Spikovschi ("Чашка чая"); Vera Stroeva ("Петербургская ночь"); Mihail Ianshin ("Чёрный бара", the script was written by Ilf and Petrov); Iuliu Raizman ("Последняя ночь"); Iosif Tuman- ov ("Давид Гурамишвили"); Alexandru Rou ("Тайна горного озера"); Mihail Ciau- reli ("Отарова вдова"); Lesi Curbas ("Сон Толстопузенко"); Siko Dolidze ("Песни Этери"); Serghei lutchevici ("Третья Мещанская"). He si mentioned in the encyclopedic dictionary "Kino", edited by S. lutkevici (1987) as "one of the main Soviet operators". He died suddenly during the filming of the production "Artist" directed byArman Manaryan (Armenfilm).
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