Eduardo Sirotsky Melzer
He is the son of Carlos Melzer and Suzana Sirotsky. Eduardo Sirotsky Melzer is CEO of EB Capital, a Brazilian Private Equity firm focused on creating value by in- vesting on companies that address Brazilian structural gaps. The firm generates high
risk adjusted returns whilst contributing to prosperity at large, with a strong profit and purpose approach. We believe that Private Equity should be driven by execution ex- cellence. Our partners have a strong history of operational expertise, sector knowledge and an worldwide networkconstructed on long term relationships.
He was chairman and president of Grupo RBS and owner of the business con-
glomerate RBS, one of the largest multimedia communications companies in Brazil.
Eduardo Melzer joined Grupo RBS in 2004 as CEO for the domestic market, became
vice-president of market and business development in 2008, and executive vice-presi- dent of Grupo RBS in 2010. wo years later, in 2012, Melzer became executive chairman
of Grupo RBS, a position in which he succeeded his uncle Nelson Pacheco Sirotsky. Eduardo was also chairman of e.Bricks Digital and shareholder of e.Bricks Ventures, a venture capital and private equity company with operations in Brazil and
abroad. In 2006, he received the Caboré Award in the Professional Vehicle category. He was the 2009 Professional highlight of the Brazilian Advertising Association (ABP) in the Executive Vehicle category.