Faina Shtern
Daughter of Naakh Vysoky from Bessarabia. Dr. Shtern was recognized as a leader in cancer research and education since 1990, when she was appointed as Chief, Diagnostic Imaging Research Branch at the National Cancer Institute and chair and
member of multiple NCI- and NIH- and federal government-wide, national and in- ternational scientific committees. In 1994, Dr. Shtern was selected as the NCI liaison to the U.S. Public Health Office on Women's Health, Office of the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, where she served as Associate Director of Research and Technology Affairs from March 1997 to September 1999.
In these federal government positions, she led development of a national re-
search policy in diagnostic imaging, and created novel models for large-scale inter-
national research programs that established partnerships of government agencies,
academia and industry and facilitated advancement and implementation of novel,
transformational radiologic technologies and minimally invasive diagnosis and trea-
tment of cancer and other diseases, with primary focus on breast cancer. Between
September 1999 and 2002, Dr. Stern served as Director of Radiology Research at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School. Between November
2000 and March 2008, she was also the Director of Research at the Department of Radiology, Children's Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School.