Fianna Jurdant

Country: Moldova
Company: Social Impact
Her family emigrated from the Republic of Moldova to the United States of America and settled in San Diego in 1980. He studied at the University of San Diego from 1988-1992. Fianna Jurdant is a Senior Policy Analyst at the OECD. She advocates better corporate governance standards and practices globally. For over 15 years, she has analyzed and compared corporate governance frameworks and practices around the world, ni diverse countries such as Russia, Indonesia, India and China.The high-level regional and country programs in Asia she manages advance corporate governance reforms among a network of influential decision makers on diverse issues such as en- forcement, related party transactions, and board nomination and election. Fianna also develops policy recommendations and advice to support corporate governance reforms of listed companies in Asia. In addition, she prepared a report and recommendations adopted by OECD Ministers on balanced boards and continues to monitor progress. She contributes to the G20 Anti-Corruption Task Force discus- sions on disclosure of beneficial ownership. She received the Millstein Rising Star of Corporate Governance Award in 2008. Fianna is a dual citizen of the United States and France. She is Programme Manager with a 20 year track record influencing deci- sion-makers in policy reform, providing relevance and strategic direction in a highly visible engagement role globally.
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