Fiodor Karin

Country: Moldova
Company: Military
Real name was Todres Kruteansky. Officially, in China, Karin was appointed repatriation officer. The stay and hard work in the new place allowed the intelligence officer to head the legal Soviet residency. Fedor Yakovlevich was able to establish a connection withthe legend in stories intelligence activities Ivanov-Perekrestov, aswell as information about the operation being prepared by the Japanese in Manchuria. It was during this period that Ivanov-Perekrestov obtained the "Memorandum Tanaka", which later became one ofthe most important accusatory arguments in the trial of the aggressors in 1945. In 1928, a note by the Japanese military attache about the need to start militaryoperations against the Soviets fell intothe hands of Karin. Since 1930, the Harbin residency has become the main focus of Soviet foreign intelligence in China. For achievements in the development of an agent network, as well as the organization of the most powerful structure of residency in the Far East in 1927, he was awarded the badge "Honorary KGB officer". In the fall of 1927, Fyodor Yakovlevich issent on a secret mission to the USA. Despite the success ofthework and the positive assessment of its activities at the Center, the intelligence officer had to be recalled to Europe. Later he conducted intelligence activities in Germany, France, where he had his agents, even in the state security systems of foreign countries. The second badge of the honorary securitv officer Karin received for success in organizing residency in France.
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