Flavio Bitelman
His mother, Revecca (Malay) Mendes Bitelman, was born in Brazil, her father was named Favish Malay, born in Edinet, who became Paulo Mendes when he ar- rived in Brazil. Her maternal grandmother, Frida Fainbaum, was born in Secureni, also in Bessarabia. The maternal grandparents emigrated to Brazil in 1910. The pater- nal grandparents were also from Bessarabia. His family, together with his father, left Chisinau in 1930. He has extensive experience in business management, he was the CEO of Fotoptica, which is the largest network of optical and photographic stores. He then became president and CEO ofJobson Brazil, a niche publishing company.
Flavio Mendes Bitelman graduated the Civil Engineering in São Paulo, Brazil, at Mackenzie University in 1972, then he obtained a master's degree in Business Administration from U S Universidade de São Paulo in 1980. He obtained a se- cond MBA at the Sloan School of Management of the MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1983. He has led 3different companies for the past 50 years.
As an honorary consul, he has the responsibilityt o maintain relations with the authorities in the consular district, especially with the authorities whose activity si related to commercial and economic, and at the indication of the ministry, diplomatic mission or consular office, he acts as a channel of communication between them and
the authorities of the State of residence.