François Pachet
The son of Pierre Pachet. The Music team at Sony Computer Science Laboratory Paris was founded in 1997 by Pachet, where he developed the vision that metadata can
greatly enhance themusical experience, from listening to performance.
In 1993, he was appointed Assistant Professor (in French, "Maitre de conféren-
ces"), at Pierre and Marie Curie University until 1997 in Computer Science, Research and Teaching. In 1997, Pachet moved to Sony-CSL (Computer Science Laboratory) Paris. He started a research activity on music and artificial intelligence. His team has authored and pioneered many technologies (about 35 patents) about electronic music distribution, audio feature extraction and music interaction.
He was appointed director of Sony Computer Science Laboratories in 2014.
The CSL (the branch of Sony-CSL Tokyo) is dedicated to basic research in computer science; it was created by Luc Steels and Mario Tokoro in 1996.
Since 2017, he is director of Spotify's Creator Research Technology Lab in Paris, where he develops tools for assisting music creation. In 2017 he produced and released a multi-artist album, Hello World, composed with Artificial Intelligence.
He is one of the pioneers of computer music closely linked to artificial intelli-
gence, especially in the field of machine improvisation and style modelling. He has been elected ECCAI Fellow in 2014.