Georges Breitman
Georges Breitman is the son of doctor and politician Lucien Breitman, the elder brother of actor Jean-Claude Deret (née lean-Claude Breitman) and writer Michel
Breitman, actress Zabou Breitman's uncle and Dominique Strauss-Kahn's cousin.
He held the French record in 1949 with a 4.11 m jump in London at the World
University Games.
A member of the University Club of Paris, he was champion of France five times
(1943-1946 and 1953). He participated in the Olympic Games in London and Helsin- ki. Georges Breitman became a physician, as did many of his family, but continued to compete among masters through the 1980s, demonstrating 1.80 meters in 2001.
The pole vault is an athletics trial. The pols, usually made of fiberglass,can have different sizes. Before jumping, the athlete underpins the pole in a submerged box at the end of the runway. The pole bends and then straightens, while the jumper tries to cross the bar with his feet forward, releasing the pole.
After performing a run of about fifty meters, using a flexible pole to cross with- out throwing a horizontal bar placed a few meters high. The high pole vault requires the four qualities of athletics: running speed, endurance to press the pole, flexibility to
perform themovements in the air and the quality of the placement of the foot towards the moment of the impulse.