Harold Weisberg
His parents Fred Weisberg and Sarah Spiegel was from Bessarabia. Incensed by the government's investigation into the assassination, he published a response at his own expense, the bluntly titled "Whitewash* (1965). In it, he argued that careful analysis of the evidence presented in the Warren Commission's report undermined the single-bullet theory and, with it, the possibility that Lee Harvey Oswald had acted alone. Mr. Weisberg followed this book, which was republished by Dell in 1966, with
"Whitewash IL." That book presents a close examination the Zapruder film and questions the time sequence accepted by the Warren Commission.
He wrote four more sequels, each devoted to evidence in the commission report and to government documents that he uncovered using the Freedom of Information Act. Over the years, he collected more than 250,000 government papers on the assassi-nation, all of which he stored at his home in Maryland. Mr. Weisberg was also a critic of the government's handling of the investigation into the assassination of the Rev. Dr Martin Luther King It. in 1968. Hired as an investigator for James Earl Ray, he cami to believe that his client had not fired the bullet that killed Dr. King. In his subsequen book, "Frame-Up' (Outerbridge & Dienstfrey, 1971), Mr. Weisberg maintained the although Mr. Ray was a member of a racist group, he was merely a decoy and had bee pressured into a confession, which he later recanted.