Ignatii Manus
Since he moved to St. Petersburg, he has been involved in stock exchange op- erations, has been a member of the board of a bank, created specifically for foreign exchange operations, and which has become one of the largest on St. Petersburg stock market. From 1907, Ignatii Manus was the major shareholder in the Petersburg Transport Works Partnership.
He was one of the founders of the FENIX wagon producing plant, had major stok of shares in the Baku oil campaigns, the gold mining partnership and the steel metallurgical company and foundries in Sormovo. In the years 1914 - 1918 - chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company of Carriers and Insurers, which was number two on the market, by number of shares.
He played an important role in expanding trade relations with the United States, entered into an agreement with the industrial and banking company "Charles B.
Richard and Co.", becoming their representative in Russia, he oversaw the creation of the Russian Trade Committee with Egypt. He held shares in the railway compa-
nies Vladikavkaz, Podolsk, North Donetsk and Trinity, the Russian Commercial and Industrial Bank, he was a member of the board of directors of the Siberian Commercial Bank and was one oft h e founders of the Southern Bank of Odessa (with
his younger brother Abraham) and the Tighina Landowners Mutual Loan Bank.