Jean-Fabrice Copé

Company: Business
He is the son of Roland Cope, brother of Jean Francois and Isabelle. He has roots in Bessarabia. He has working experience with multicultural environments: Anglo-Saxon corporate culture, Asia (China, Japan, Singapore), Europe (Spain, France, Great Britain, Italy, Benelux). One Point company has investments in more in- dustries:digital and ITservices, electronic trade, consumer goods (cosmetic products and perfumes, food products and beverages, clothes, accessories, decorations), me- dical assistance (pharmaceutical and health services), industrial compounds, telecom- munications/mass-media. As his attribution enters the focus on creating an expertise ecosystem: SMACS (social, mobile, data analysis, cloud, cybersecurity) and emer- ging technologies (especially options of blockchain consortium, artificial intelligence and automated learning, RPA), business strategies and operating functions (Bank- Finances-Insurances, Energy Services, utilities, industry, telco, mass-media and ter- tiary). He isresponsible for M&A activity, strategic alliances and long-term corporate financing in order to serve the end-to-end positioning of the group for digital trans- formation commitments of clients, i.e. upstream consultancy (digital strategy and operating model, enterprise architecture, organizational agility), PMO and techni- cal delivery (IT'S design, build & run). He has a geographical focus: Western Europe, North America and Eastern Asia.
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