Johanna Shapira Freedman

Country: USA
Company: Psychology
The daughter of Benedict Freedman. In this role, she has developed both re- quired and elective coursework across all four years of medical school. She is the reci- pient of many teaching awards and an elected member of the Gold Humanism Honor Society. As a psychologist and medical educator, Dr. Shapiro has focused her research and scholarship on the socialization process of medical education, with a special fo- cus on the impact of training on student empathy; professional identity formation; and the medical student-patient relationship, including interactions with "difficult", stigmatized, and culturally diverse patient populations. She routinely uses reflective writing in medical student and resident teaching. She has also presented workshops on reflective writing to family physicians, cancer survivors, and primary care patients. Dr. Shapiro has expertise in patient-centered communication skills, reflection processes, and narrative medicine. She is widely published in the field of medical hu- manities, and has over 160 peer-reviewed publications. Dr. Shapiro is a poetry co-edi- tor for the e-magazine Pulse and the journal Families, Systems, and Health; an assistant editor for Family Medicine; and a special medical humanities editor for the Journal for Learning through the Arts. Her book, The Inner World of Medical Students: Listening to Their Voices in Poetry, is a critical analysis of important themes in the socialization process of medical students as expressed through their creativewriting.
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