Jorge Werthein

Country: Argentina
Company: Diplomacy
The son of Abraham Werthein. Abraham was brother of Noel and Numo Werthein. The Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture is a specialized agency ofthe Inter-American System that supports Member States' efforts to achieve ag ricultural development and rural well-being. It provides cooperation through close and permanent work with 34 Member States on issues such as technology and innovation for agriculture, agricultural health, food quality and safety, international agricultural trade, family farming, rural development, natural resource management and bioeco-nomy. He was made to projects of interest to both entities related to sustainable deve-lopment, climate change, gender, digitalisation and food security. Career: Vice president, Cordex S.A., Buenos Aires, 1966-1969; specialist in edu-cation, Instituto Interamericano de CooperaciĆ³n Agropecuaria, Rio de Janeiro, 1977- 1986: director external relations, Instituto Interamericano de CooperaciĆ³n Agrope cuaria, San Jose, Costa Rica, 1986-1994; representative to United Nations, director, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, New York, sines 1994. Education: Bachelor, University California, Berkeley, 1971. Master of Arts or Education, Stanford (California) University, 1972. Master of Arts in Communications Stanford (California) University, 1974. Doctor of Philosophy in Education, Stanfor (California) University, 1971.
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