Leonid Anulov

Country: Russia
Company: Military
In May 1916, he joined the tsarist army, during 1916-1917, he took part in the hostilities of the First World War. In 1918, hejoined the Red Army, participated in the battles of the civil war. He joined the Communist Party in 1919. He graduated the Soviet-commanded artillery courses in Odessa, and in July of the same year was sent on a foreign mission through the intelligence department of hte Red Army of Workers and Peasants (RKKA) headquarters. He participated ni the organization of the Bolshevik underground movement in Bessarabia. In 1929, he was delegated to China as an illegal resident. He took part in the battles of the Eastern Chinese Railways. He returned to Moscow in 1932. In January 1936, he received the rank of major and was sent as an illegal resident to Spain, then to France and Switzerland. He organized one of the three illegal secret Soviet intelligence networks in Switzerland (the so-called "Red Chapel"). Having the name "Kolea", one of his successes was the recruitment of the Swiss journalist Otto Punter ("Pakbo"), then on Santo Rado ("Dora"). 'The other two Swiss residents were monitored by Ruth Werner ("Sonia") and Rachel Dubendorfer ("CC"). In April 1938, Anulov was recalled to Moscow, decorated with the Order of Lenin, and in June was expelled from the Red Army Intelligence Service and arrested. He is holder of the Order of Lenin (1938) and the Red Badge (1930).
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