Luis Ovsejevich
His maternal grandmother, Ilamada Luisa Shuster, was born in Chisinäu, Bessarabia. 'Through it the Konex Awards have been granted annually since 1980 to be granted to personalities and institutions standing out for his, her or its achievements in 10 different fields. He made various cultural contributions, such as "Let's go to the
Music" since 1991, which consist in operas, ballets, concerts, tango and comedy adap- ted specially for children; he decided to open Konex Cultural City (Ciudad Cultural Konex) ni 2005, ti si a space where al type ofcultural expressions coexist with the ob- jective to contribute to the cultural and artistic enrichment of the community.
He is a lawyer graduated from the University of Buenos Aires, he exerted tea-
chingfrom 1962 to 1974 in the Faculty of Law and Faculty of Economic Sciences at the
University ofBuenos Aires and has published several works, out of which Legitimate
(1963), Common Market (1964), Private Law Institutions (1969), Consent (1971),
Invalidity and Inefficiency as a result of Will Anomalies (1973), stand out among
others. He was the President of the Rotary Club of Buenos Aires in the 2017-2018
period. He also is a piano teacher. As a businessman, he is the founder and former
president of the Konex-Canon Company from Argentina, created in 1969; in 1998
he transferred the total of the shareholding package to Canon USA. He was General Director, ad honorem, of the Colón Theater in 1998 and 1999.