Maya Ulanovskaya
Social Impact
Maya Aleksandrovna Ulanovskaya was born in New York City while her Jewish parents were stationed there as Soviet resident spies and Soviet intelligence officer ille-
gals for the GRU. Her father was Alexander Ulanovsky (1891-1971). Her mother was Nadezhda Ulanovskava (1903-1986).
In 1949, Ulanovskaya graduated from school and entered the Moscow Institute of Food Industry. At the institute, she met members of and joined an underground anti-Stalinist organization, organized by students Boris Slutsky, Yevgeny Gurevich, and Vladilen Furman in 1950. On February 7, 1951, the MGB arrested Ulanovskaya among 15 others. Just over a year later, on February 13, 1952, the Military Collegium of the USSR Supreme Court arrested and sentenced her to 25 years in the Ozerlag (Озерлаг) MVD special camp, part of the Soviet GULAG labor camp system for po- litical prisoners. Slutsky, Gurevich, and Furman received death sentences, ten received 25-year sentences, and three 10-year sentences. In February 1956, the case was re- vised, the term of imprisonment was reduced to five years, and she, along with other
accomplices, was released under an amnesty. In 1973, Ulanovskaya emigrated with her husband and son to Israel.
Ulanovskaya worked at the National Library in Jerusalem. She translated into Russian books from English, Hebrew, and Yiddish.