Moisei Kantor
In 1910, he started to develop the mines of tungsten/wolfram in El Manzano. In 1912, he was promoted as associate professor of minerology in the La Plata University. Since 1913, heworked as chief of mineralogical and geological sections of the Museum of University, where he created a unique collection of meteorites. In 1914,
he was certified as professor. He published a series of works in scientific journals of Argentina, some of them were published in separate brochures. He was member of the International Society of Geological Exploration (Geologische Vereinigung).
He participated energetically in socialist political activities; together with his second wife, Ida Bondareva, they were the first members of the Communist Party of Argentina. He resigned as professor due to the decision to return with his family in
Russia. Since 1926 until his death - he was chief of the Department of Mineralogy and Geology at the "Timireazev" Agricultural Academy of Moscow. He worked on the problem of classifying the agronomic ores; he occupied with the study ofphosphor studies from Ural. He discovered the kamishburunit - aqueous phosphate solution of iron oxide. He created the first collection of agro ores from the world (28 samples),
whichis in the Geological and Mineralogical Museum. In 1940, he defended Doctor's degree in geological and mineralogical sciences due to his realizations and based on the recommendations of the academician V. Vernadsky.