Natalia Gukovsky
She is the daughter of Isidor Gukovsky. She was employed in the intelligence department of the Red Army Staff between 1932-1935 and 1936-1938. In 1935-1936, he was a cadet at the School of the Intelligence Department of the Red Army. She par- ticipated in organizinggovernment assistance during the Spanish Civil War.
On November 30th, 1938, he retired to thereserve and entered the Union Legal Institute by Correspondence. During the same period, she was employed in the USSR
Prosecutor's Office, initially as a senior investigator, then deputy director of the inves- tigation department, prosecutor, and during 1944-1954, she was an investigator on important cases beside the Prosecutor General.
After 1954, he retired to scientific activity. He worked in the Institute fo Criminology of the USSR Prosecutor's Office until 1963. And from 1963 until the end of her life - at the Russian Research Institute for the Study of Cases and Development
of Crime Prevention Measures (principal investigator). She defended her thesis as a candidate in legal sciences- The theory and practiceofconducting a preliminary inves- tigation experiment - in 1959. The author of the books: - Учебное следственное дело об убийстве (1956); Расследование убийства, замаскированного расчленением трупа (1957); Судебно-медицинская экспертиза трупа по делам о насильственной смерти (1957); Следственный эксперимент (1958) and others.