Pedro Pacheco Sirotsky

Country: Brazil
Company: Journalism
He is the son of Mauricio Sirotsky Sobrinho and the brother of Nelson Pacheco Sirotsky. Also known as Pedrinho Sirotsky. In the 1970s, Pedrinho Sirotsky was the presenter of the Transasom musical program, broadcast on Radio and TV Gaúcha (RBS TV). He later began working for Radio Atlântida, also belonging to the RBS group. In 2008, he joined the company's board of directors. In 2008, RBS TV launched the digital signal in Porto Alegre and inspired by the Globo logo launched at the time, ti launched its new logo on the 18 stations in both states. In the same year, the company acquired the entertainment portals Guia da Semana and ObaOba, beside the company focused on applications for Pontomobi mo- bile phones. In 2009, Grupo RBS inaugurated the Jayme Sirotsky Graphic Park in Porto Alegre. In the same year, RBS TV launched the digital signal in Florianopolis, and the Group celebrated 30 years of activity in Santa Catarina. In 2011, RBS partnered with BR Investimentos and created HSM Educação, focused on executive education, and inaugurated in Florianopolis the new headquarters of Diario Catarinense and Hora de Santa Catarina with the most modern production of printed and digital content. In August 2012, through a single edition ofJornal do Manhā for the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, the campaign "Education needs answers!" was launched, with the aim of finding solutions for the advancement of Brazilian education.
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