Reuma Weizman
Social Impact
Her mother Rachel was born in Chisināu. She is the sister of Ruth Dayan. When she was looking for a job, Reuma went to a children's home in a suburb of Hamburg that was under to the Jewish Agency and the Red Cross, where she worked for about two vears with children who were World War II refugees.
After the 1947-1949 Palestine war, Reuma served in the Women's Corps as a dlerk in the Government Press Office. Prior to her arrival at the Presidential Residence of Israel, Reuma worked extensively for children with Intellectual disabilities in var-lous social organizations. During her husband's tenure, she opened the President's House to non-profit organizations that organized camps for children with cancer.
During the period of the absorption of the large waves of aliyah, she toured the absorption camps sites throughout Israel and cared for the welfare of the immigrants, especially from Ethiopia. Weizmann worked to open the President's House to exhibitions of many Israeli artists, and many of their works were given by the President, with her encouragement, to high-ranking guests outside Israel.
She also opened the exhibitions to the general public in order to bring Israeli art closer to the people. Weizmann initiated the "Good Deed Award" which aims to praise the good deeds of citizens, that were done for the benefit of all, free of charge, in a voluntary framework, which constitutes an example and role model for all of us".