Rogerio Chor
The son of Luiz Chor. Winner of several awards in the ADEMI Highlight edi- tions - including Entrepreneur of the Year in 2006,the engineer has always been one of the entity's work enthusiasts. CHL is one of the companies that most use the prestige of the ADEMI Highlight to enhance their projects, stamping on the fences of their works the categories in which they were victorious.
In the beginning, the company was a small construction company from Rio de Janeiro that invested exclusively in the restricted market in the South Zone. It was pre-
cisely this specialization in a region of the city and in luxury real estate, which, combined with a great entrepreneurial sense and financing opportunities, gave rise to the impulse that Rogerio Chor needed. Since the beginning of operations until last year, CHL's annual sales grew 650%, reaching R$ 180million.
Despite the history of growth in the south side, CHI's story began in the west side of Rio, where it built its first development. 36 houses were built with CEF finan-
cing. In the following years, hedeveloped other projects in the Campo Grande region. CEF ended the business plan and, looking for a new alternative, the company started operating in Tijuca, where, without financial conditions to carry out a real es-
tate development, ti initially developed some closed condominiums, culminating ni some developments in the same neighborhood