Ronny Razin

Country: Israel
Company: Economy
The son of Assaf Razin. Ronny Razin is an internationally recognized politi- cal economist whose work spans a wide range of issues and problems. Some of his best known work concerns the critical question of whether democracies aggregate information properly. In most democratic countries, voters are motivated to use the information they have to determine the winning candidate. In one ofhis more widely acclaimed studies, Professor Razin suggests a second motivation, one no less impor- tant: voters are motivated to use their votes to affect the policy choice of the winning candidate by influencing candidates' beliefs. Professor Razin's research shows how and why these two motivations may conflict to produce unsatisfactoryelectoral results and policy outcomes. Professor Razin has also published several prominent papers on in- terest group and party formation, and on political communication. His current work studies the unusual political economics of religion, its role in voting participation, social cooperation, and policy making. 'This year's Razin Prize Recipient is Mauricio Tejada for his excellent paper on: "Dual Labor Markets and Labor Protection in an Estimated Search and Matching Model", under the guidance of Luca Flabbi. Founder at D-Governance, who develops online discussion and crowdsourcing platforms. Currently we are running Voter,, an online inte- ractivecrowdsourcing tool for organisations.
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