Samuel Aroni
From 1967 to 1970, Prof. Aron served as concrete Group Leader at the Research and Development Technical Center of the American Cement Corporation, concerned with the development of new materials, new products, and Industrialized Housing Systems. He initiated, organized, and was chosen as project manager for the joint Operation Breakthrough proposal by American Cement Corporation and the Architectural firm ofDaniel, Mann, Johnson and Mendenhall. He was also in charge of the American Cement Corporation's project in the Art and Technology program of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, attempting to enlarge and construct one of Jean Dubuffet's monumental edifices. He was a member of the Committee on the Socioeconomic Effects of Earthquake Predictions of the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering (1976-1978). In 1983 hewas elec- ted a member of the Board of Governor of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel. In November 1985 he was elected national Vice President of the Architectural Research Centers Consortium, an organization representing over forty Schools of Architecture committed to research, and in the sameyear he was appointed to an advisory committee of the National Science Foundation (NSF), serving the Division of Mechanics, Structures and MaterialsEngineering, of the Engineering Directorate. Prof. Aron chaired the UCLA Joint Senate-Administration Earthquake Safety Committee.