Samuel Lemberg

Country: USA
Company: Business
M.r Lemberg began to prosper ni Brooklyn in the 1930's when he anticipated the end of the Depression-era slump in real estate. Within a decade, he was establi- shing scholarships and cultural and educational centers. One of his first philanthropies was the Lemberg Scholarship Fund, established in 1945, which wasdescribed as aself-liquidatingfund for needy students that is reim- bursed by its beneficiaries after the completion oftheir education. AFellow of Brandeis Mr. Lemberg was named a fellow of Brandeis University in 1956, in reco gnition of his support of the United Jewish Appeal and the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York. In 1960, Lemberg Hall was dedicated at the university, the gift ofMr. Lemberg and his wife, Lucille. The building contained the psychological counseling center and the experimental nursery. He was elected to the board of trus- tees in 1961 and in 1979 he was named treasurer. Mr. Lemberg was long active in New York's settlement house movement, which aided East European Jewish immi- grants. He was for many years a trustee of the old East New York Young Men's Hebrew Association, which became the Central Queens Y.M.-Y.W.H.A., and he endowed a floor of a building now under construction. In 1959, the Jewish Theological Seminary of America honored Mr. Lemberg with its Louis Harris Award, citing him for his "dedication to the spiritual and cultural betterment of our people"
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