Shoshana S. Cardin
Social Impact
Her mother, Chana (Emma) Choubin, was born in Bessarabia. As Chairwoman
of MCW she promoted the concept of volunteerism; she cosponsored and convened
the governor's first statewide conference, along with the Junior League, to promote the role and value of volunteerism. She then helped to form and became the first chair of
the Maryland Volunteer Network - which still operates today.
The initiative, which Mrs. Cardin spearheaded, remains part of the fabric of
humanity. She was the first woman to become the Chair of the Board of Associated
Jewish Community of Baltimore in 1983; the first female President of Council of Jewish Federations in 1984; the first female Chair of the National Council of Soviet Jewry (NCSJ) in 1988; the first female Chair of the Council of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations in 1991; the first female President of The National Center for Learning and Leadership (CLAL) in 1992; and the first woman to Chair the United
Israel Appeal in 1994. During her administration the Commission worked with the State Senate to revise rape legislation and convened the first state conference addressing the problems of battered women, a conference that led to the opening of
the House of Ruth, a safe haven for victims of domestic violence. As a tireless fighter for the humanitarian causes she holds so dear, Shoshana Shoubin Cardin is one of the most influential Jewish leaders of our time.