Waldemar Zaclis

Country: Brazil
Company: Sport
His father, Carlos Zaclis, owned a small rural property and was president of the Telenesti Farmers' Co-operative. With his wife, Clara, and their six children, Carlos lived an economically peaceful life. In a region with an overwhelming Jewish majori-ty, but because of the damage caused by the World War I and the general fear of new conflicts, the Zaclis came to the new continent, more precisely, to Brazil. At first, only Carlos left for São Paulo, alone, to work and bring Clara and the children to Brazil in 1924, when Waldemar was only six years old. The family settled in the Bom Retiro neighborhood of So Paulo, and Waldemar began playing in the surrounding plains from an early age. "He was taken to the São Paulo Football Club by a man who was a teacher at Bom Retiro, named Barros", he explains. The professional career of the "Moldovan-Romanian-Brazilian" defender began in 1938 and lasted a short time, only until 1944, when he played for a few months at Comercial de São Paulo-SP and Palmeiras, which at that time was still Palestra Italy. Zaclis was an important player in the tricolor campaign for the title of So Paulo in 1943, playing with the namesake Waldemar de Brito, the right wing Luizinho and the eternal Leonidas da Silva. The professional career of the *Moldovan-Romanian-Brazilian" defender began in 1938 and lasted a short time, only until 1944, when he played a few more months for the teams São Paulo SP and Palmeiras, which at that time was still called Palestra Italia
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