Yale Richmond
His father Chaim Dovid Cherkes (later Herman D. Richmond) was born in Bessarabia. Mr. Richmond served in Germany, Laos, Poland, Austria, and the Soviet Union. For his service in Laos, he received the U.S. Information Agency's Meritorious Service Award. At retirement in 1980, he was a Deputy Assistant Director (Europe) of the U.S. Information Agency. After retirement, he was a Staff Consultant to the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, U.S. Congress, and a Senior Program Officer at theNational Endowment for Democracy. Aspecialist in educatio- nal and cultural exchanges with the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, he established the Fulbright program in Poland in 1959 and negotiated fourteen intergovernmental agreements with the Soviet Union and the countries of Eastern Europe on exchanges in education, culture, science, and technology. For his work in Poland, he was awarded the Commander's Cross of the Order ofMerit of the Republic of Poland.
After a 30-year career as a cultural officer helping people of other coun- tries to understand America and its people, Mr. Richmond in his retirement wrote 1 books to help Americans going abroad to work or study to better understand the culture and people of other countries. He was the author of From N e t to Da: Understanding the New Russia; From Da to Yes: Understanding the East Europeans; U.S.-Soviet Cultural Exchanges: Who Wins?;