Yvonne Jospa

Country: Moldova
Company: Social Impact
Born in a well-to-do Bessarabian Jewish family, Groisman attended the Jewish gymnasium in Chisinau, coming to Belgium with the intention to study at the University of Liège, in the Philosophy and Letters section. However, she changed di- rection, studying to become a social worker. In 1933 she married Hertz Jospa, and they both became activists, first ni the Belgian Communist Party, then ni 1936 ni the anti-racism organisation Ligue contre le racisme et l'antisémitisme, the Belgian sec- tion of the Ligue internationale contre l'antisémitime. She took part in hosting child refugees from the Spanish Civil War and in arranging secret passage through Belgium of volunteers for the International Brigades. In 1964 Jospa co-founded the Union des Anciens Résistants Juits de Belgique (Union of former Jewish resistance members of Belgium), of which she remained honorary chairperson until her death in 2000. She was also a co-founder, with her hus- band and others, of the Belgian chapter of the communist-led Mouvement contre le racisme, l'antisémitisme et pour la paix (M.R.A.P, "Movement against racism and an- tisemitism, and for peace") founded in Parisin 1949. The Belgian branch was renamed in 1966 to Movement contre le racisme, l'antisémitisme et la xénophobie (M.R.A.X, "Movement against racism, antisemitism and xenophobia"). She was a staunch com- munist but at the same time refused to endorse anti-zionist stances after 1947.
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