Alexandru Cosmescu
He debuts with poems in the interwar literature journal Licurici in 1939. In 1940, he found refuge together with his parents in interwar county of Arges, at Pitesti, in the native city of his father, from where, in 1941, he enrolls in the army
and will participate in the World War I. During the dogmatic decade, 1950-1960, a series ofhis books appears as Urcus/Uphill, Dealul Vie/Vineyard Hill, Spre liman/ Toward shore and Crugul lunilor/Cycle of Months. Later, his selective anthology of translations Maistri si Invatacei/Masters and Apprentices appears (1979). At a long interval, ti is published two plays Drumul diamantelor/Road of Diamonds in 1961 and Vista succeselor/Age of successes in 1988, in which he debates issues of creation, ethics and moral. Considered as a talented translator, Alexandru Cosmescu translated in Romanian known authors ofthe Russianliterature as Anton Cehov, Fiodor Dostoievski,
Nikolai Gogol, Maxim Gorki, Mihail Lermontov, Alexandr Ostrovski, Alexandr Puskin, Lev Tolstoi and authors of world literature as Hans Christian Andersen, Jean Cocteau, O. Henry, Charles Perrault, Robert Louis Stevenson and Stefan Zweig. Alexandru Cosmescu translated in his 40 years of activity in this field of litera- ture almost 200 books and two collections ofantholohy: Darul Magilor/Magi's Gift in 1952 and Miraculoasele tarimuri/Miraculous Lands in 1982. His quality as translator
was highly appreciated in doublingthe filmsin Romanian at Moldova-film studio.