Lidia Schulgina
Lidia Shulgina was born in 1957 in Moscow in the family of the famous writers Nina Schulgina and Mikhail Fridman (born in Moldova). Her early interest in dra-
wing was accepted by her parents, and Lidia entered the art school in Moscow, al- though until then she studied at a special school of mathematics. The combination
of these two disciplines - rare for the artist - has developed both the logical and emo- tional facets of personality and talent. In 1974, after completing both schools with diplomas in performance, Lidia entered the Moscow Printing Institute at the Faculty
of Book Decoration. The uniqueness of Lidia Schulgina's talent consists in the fact that he breaks in himself, detaches himself from new materials and new forms. It breaks,
overturning its abundance on us. This abundance is not only found in the variety of art forms, but also in the set of questions that we do not always dare to ask ourselves and even more - to look for answers. Lydia Schulgina's work from beginning to end is
intensely creative and cultural. This is the temporary return to eternity.
Whatever Lydia Shulgina does, everywhere in all works, without exception, there is a great energy of her work. Without arguing with anyone, without destroying anything, free from ambition and vanity, it flows organically from the traditions of
world art. The ways of inspiration are undeniable! Art becomes equal to life, the tra- gedy of life is solved through art that extends the limits of life.