Max Fishman

Country: Moldova
Company: Art
He participated at the beginning of 1944 in aconcert, wherehewasheard by the wife of the president of USSR People's Commissars Council, Alexei Kosaghin. Claudia Krivoishein (Kosaghin) contributed to the guidance of Max Fishman to continue the studies at theConservatory of Saratov. After the graduation of Minsk Conservatory, he taught at the School of Music of Gomel, and then he was sent to the Moldovan Socialist Soviet Republic. Since 1952, he taught at the Conservatory of Chisināu as master of concerts, subsequently he was superior professor at the general department of piano. In different years, he taught piano at the Pedagogical School of Calarasi and at the music school ofCarpineni. Concurrently with the teaching, Max Fishman was actively implicated in com- posing musical operas. His creation portfolio left tens of different types: 4 concerts for piano and orchestra, sonata for clarinet and piano, sonatas for violin and piano, trio, songs for piano and different instruments, symphonic and choral works. The compositions of Max Fishman were interpreted by the Philharmonic Orchestra of Moldova, under the guidance of USSR People's Artist, Timofei Gurtovoi, choral chapel Dina, under the guidance of USSR People's Artist, Veronika Garstea and Moldovan jazz orchestra Bucuria, under the guidance of People's Artist of Moldova, Shiko Aranov.
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