Meir Haratz

Country: Israel
Company: Art
In 1932, he made his literary debut in the pages of the magazine "Vinten" from Soroca. From Bucovina capital, Haratz began to send for publication verses in the Yiddish magazine "Soiben" ("Windows") which appeared in Bucuresti under the editorship of lakov Sternberg and Shlomo Bickel. In 1935, he also published poetry in various Yiddish periodicals, including "Cernovitzer Bletter" (Chernovtsi Leaves), "Naye Folkstaitung" (New Popular Gazette), "Literarise Bletter" (Literary Sheets) and "Farois" (Before) in Warsaw, "Idise Kultur" (Jewish Culture) in the United States of America. In 1972, Haratz, after much effort, obtained permission from the Soviet authorities to emigrate to Israel, along with his daughters, Sima and Brana. In the new country, together with Yossef Kerler, he published in Jerusalem "Yerusalmer Almanach" (Jerusalem Almanac) in Yiddish. He has also published from his cre- ation in Israeli and American Yiddish newspapers: Di Lette Nayes (The Latest News, which appeared in Tel Aviv), Folksblat and "Forverts" (Forward) in New York. During this period, Harat participated in the literary circle of the Literary Almanac in Jerusalem together with thepoets Motl Saktier. Meir Elin, Haim Maltinski, Ruhl (Rahel) Boimwol, Ziame Telesin, Hirs Ogerovici, Leizer Podriacik, Eli Sehtman. These years were very fertile, Haratz published 10 volumes of verse and two books of literary criti- cism and memoirs. He also published Yiddish translations of Mihai Eminescu's poetry.
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