Natalia Trauberg
Natalia Trauberg was born July 5, 1928 in the family of film director Leonid Trauberg and ballerina, film actress V.N. Lande-Bezverkhova. Childhood and youth
passed in Leningrad. The grandmother who raised her in the spirit of Christian mo- rality had a great influence on the girl. The theme of religion, morality and morality aroused interest in the Christian fairy tale and later became the main motive for her life choice. Thanks to N.L. Trauberg's translations, readers have discovered the names
of such authors as G.K. Chesterton, P.G. Wodehouse, G. Green.
In 1945-1949, Natalya Trauberg studied at the Romano-Germanic department of the philological faculty ofLeningrad State University. Its teachers were famous phi- Jologists: V. M. Zhirmunsky, V. Ya. Propp, Yu. M. Lotman, and others.
After graduation, she taught at the Leningrad Institute of Foreign Languages, but was forced to leave there because ofthe ongoing struggle with cosmopolitans.
After moving to Moscow in 1951, Natalia Trauberg began to translate Fiction for the publishing house, defended her dissertation in 1955, and then lived in Lithuania for some time. The first published translations of Natalia Trauberg appeared in 1958, these were mainly adult stories by G. K. Chesterton and .L Pirandello. In 1975 she was
admitted to the Writers Union, for a long time was a member of the editorial board of the journal "Foreign Literature"