Eugen Perlin

Country: Ukraine
Company: Science
He is the son of academician lure Perlin, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the Moldavian SSR. Since 1952, he has lived with his parents in Chisinau. In 1968, he gradua- ted the Department of Physics and Mathematics of the State University of Chisināu. After graduating the Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Moldavian SR (1968-1971), he defended his thesis as a candidate in physical and mathematical sciences (1971). He worked at the Institute of Applied Physics of the MSSR Academy of Sciences (1971-1974), then at the Vavilov State Institute of Op- tics (1974-2005) in St. Petersburg. Professor, Department of Optical Physics and Modern Natural Sciences, Head of Laboratory of the Center for IT'MO Information Optical Technologies. Professor, Department of Experimental Physics, Polytechnic University of S.t Petersburg. He studied the theory of double-resonant and inteband Stark optical effect at interban, impurity, and exciton transitions, he studied photoin- duced resonances as autoionization in solids, and he is a specialist in the quantum theory of the interaction of strong electromagnetic radiation with solids, including contact structures and nanostructures. He is a member of the Russian Physical Society, the Russian Rojdestvensky Optical Society and the S.t Petersburg Union of Scientists. He is the author of over 100 scientific publications.
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