Evgueni Kovarski
He is the son of Victor Kovarski. He graduated a master's degree in energy en- gineering at the Technical University of Moldova. He later studied international mar- keting and business at the Academy of National Economics under the government of the Russian Federation. He also studied at the University of Chile in laser engineering
and optical engineering. He began his scientific activity in the field of nanotechnology, biophysics and laser technology. He has published in scientific journals. He served as the responsible executive of the USSR's State Committee for Science and Technology to create an ultrashort pulse laser (picosecond pulsed laser with gigawatt frequency).
He had a 2-year internship at the A. Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology in St. Petersburg, in the laboratory of semiconductor equilibrium phenomena.
From 1993 to 1994, he was a visiting associate professor of physics at the Universidad Mayor de San Andres in Bolivia. In 1995, he was involved in the gold mining process in the Guanay region of Bolivia. A Russian-Bolivian company was
created in this region, being itsproduction manager. From 1996 to 1998, he was Senior Project Manager at the Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission, where he worked in the nuclear materials department (led 7 projects) and worked in parallel in the lithium isotope separation project with laser, where he created a laser machine, participated in the scientific conferences of the Chilean Society of Physics.